Disney announced 50million subscribers

Disney just announced they have 50 million Disney+ subscribers. In Q1 they reported 26.5m subs vs consensus ~20m, which had increased to 28.6m subs as of the date of the earnings call in mid-Feb. They are tracking way ahead of expectations….the company projected 60 million to 90 million Disney+ subscribers by 2024 w/ 20-30m in the US and 40-60m international. In the past two weeks, Disney+ rolled out in 8 Western European counties including the UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, and Switzerland. Additionally, Disney+ became available last week in India, where it is offered in conjunction with the existing Hotstar service, and already accounts for approximately 8 million of Disney+’s 50 million paid subscribers. The service is expanding throughout Western Europe and into Japan and all of Latin America later this year.



Sarah Kanwal

Equity Analyst, Director


Direct: 617.226.0022

Fax: 617.523.8118


Crestwood Advisors

One Liberty Square, Suite 500

Boston, MA 02109




[tag DIS]

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