Travelers Q1 2021 results

On 4/20, Travelers reported a Q1 EPS of $2.73, ahead of estimates of $2.40.  Positives for the quarter were improving margins, core return on equity of 11.1% and continued strong pricing gains in business and personal insurance lines. 


Travelers is a high quality, disciplined underwriter of insurance that is focused on returning capital to shareholders through dividends and share buybacks. 


Current Price: $156                                Price Target: $170 (raised from $160)

Position Size:   1.71%                              TTM Performance: +59.6%


Thesis Intact. Key takeaways from the quarter:


1.       Core business results were solid, beating estimates

·         Combined ratio improved 1.8 points to 89.5%

·         Net premiums increased 2% for quarter

·         Strong pricing with renewal premiums up

o   Business +8.0%

o   Bond & specialty +10.8%

o   Homeowners +7.7%

o   International +6.9%

·         The industry has faced several headwinds – higher cat losses, negative tort trends and falling yields.  As a result, industry wide pricing has been strongest in 10 years.


2.       Total net Investment Income rose $71m due to strong returns in private equity investments as returns from fixed income investments fell $31m.


3.       Strong financial position

·         Debt to capital ratio of 20.5%

·         Most of debt is long term – just issued a 30yr bond yielding 2.5%

·         98.2% of fixed income portfolio is investment grade with average rating of AA

·         Strong rankings from rating agency relative to peers


4.       TRV continues to return capital with dividend yields 2.24% and shareholder yield over 6%

·         Raised dividend 4%

·         Book value growth of 9%

·         Over past 10 years shares outstanding have fallen by 53%!

·         Management has a long history of employing capital wisely! Instead of investing in mature business with spotty pricing, they have returned excess capital to shareholders


The Thesis on TRV:

·         We expect TRV will be able to grow book value per share in the mid-single digits over the near-medium term, and generate ROE in the 10-14% range

·         Industry leader with disciplined underwriting and investment portfolio track record  

·         Consistent returns in the low to mid double digits

·         Responsible capital allocation and proven desire to act in the best interests of shareholders


Please let me know if you have any questions.






John R. Ingram CFA

Chief Investment Officer



Direct: 617.226.0021

Fax: 617.523.8118


Crestwood Advisors

One Liberty Square

Suite 500

Boston, MA 02109