SSGA 2019 ETF Market Outlook

Good Afternoon,

Attached is a piece by Michael Arone at SSGA. There is a fair bit of marketing within the document pushing SSGA funds, but Michael provides his thoughts of cautious optimism heading into 2019. Broadly, SSGA has 3 suggestions for investment themes:

1.) Target quality over quantity of growth

2.) Get Defensive in bonds

3.) Focus on fiscal policy beneficiaries

We continue to buy into the first two themes and have enough international exposure to take advantage of the third theme as the most significant domestic consumption shifts from fiscal policy actions will likely occur abroad.

Thank You,


Peter Malone, CFA

Research Analyst

Direct: 617.226.0030

Fax: 617.523.8118

Crestwood Advisors

One Liberty Square

Suite 500

Boston, MA 02109

Navigating A Downhill Climb – 2019 ETF Market Outlook.pdf