JPIN – Q4 2019 Commentary

JPIN Commentary – Q4 2019


JPIN’s focus on risk weighting enabled us to replace a market cap weighted index while still gaining exposure to international developed equity markets without deviating too far from the benchmark. Utilizing a multi-factor approach of value, quality, and momentum, JPIN has generated alpha through strong stock selection over time. Additionally, the fund helps diversify risk by weighting across 40 regional/sector buckets based on rolling risk statistics, which ultimately increases our exposure to active share and our risk-adjusted returns.




In the last quarter of 2019, JPIN outperformed the benchmark (MSCI EAFE Index) by 26bps. Momentum and Quality factors helped contribute to returns in addition to offsetting a weak quarter for the Value factor. Over 2019 JPIN returned 15.70% which lagged the benchmark (does not include Korea) by 6.16%, but when compared to the FTSE Developed ex North America Index (includes Korea), JPIN trailed by 5.63%. Central bank shifts and trade tensions were the main drivers for the underperformance for the year, as both Korea and Japan heavily detracted from returns.


Q4 2019 Summary

          JPIN returned 8.43%, while the MSCI EAFE Index returned 8.17%

o    FTSE Developed ex North America Index returned 8.54%

          Overweight to Korea helped returns as the region outperformed due to cooling trade tensions

          Underweight to Germany detracted from returns after the country produced rebounding and improving economic data

          At the sector level, overweight to consumer goods generated returns and overweight to utilities hurt returns






Optimistic Outlook

          We continue to hold this fund and believe in our thesis due to the fund’s multi-factor approach, consistency in asset allocation, and historically strong stock selection

          Going forward JPIN continues to see the Value factor as an attractive area, while Momentum and Quality factors performed well during the past quarter

          As trade tensions ease, overweight to Korea has the capability of producing strong returns

o    Growth in semi-conductor business as 5G continues to roll out and technology expands























[Category Mutual Fund Commentary]


Micah Weinstein

Research Analyst


Direct: 617.226.0032

Fax: 617.523.8118


Crestwood Advisors

One Liberty Square

Suite 500

Boston, MA 02109