DBLTX – Q4 2019 Commentary

DBLTX Commentary – Q4 2019


DBLTX utilizes a top down-bottom up process that focuses on MBS and Agency bonds. When compared to the benchmark (Barclays U.S. AGG), the holdings have lower duration and exposure to corporate bonds, reducing their sensitivity to interest rate movements and credit spreads. We expect attractive risk-adjusted return characteristics over the long term from DBLTX, especially during periods when corporate bonds’ spread increase.


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JPIN – YTD Commentary

JPIN invests in international equities in developed markets. We expect JPIN to add value over the benchmark (MSCI EAFE) by two ways: 1) enhanced returns through a multi-factor security selection approach combining value, quality, and momentum factors; 2) enhanced risk control through more balanced country and sector allocations. We expect attractive risk-adjusted return characteristics over the long term from JPIN.


Year to date, JPIN has underperformed the benchmark (MSCI EAFE) by 6.37%, largely due to poor stock selection in Japan and overweight country selection in South Korea. While both heavily weighted on underperformance, JPIN showed promise through successful stock selection and allocation in the UK, Finland, and Spain.
YTD Summary

  • JPIN has returned 13.91%, while the MSCI EAFE has returned 18.15%
  • South Korea and Japan attributed to 92.5% of the underperformance to our benchmark
    o South Korea attributed to over 56% of this relatively worse performance (Note: South Korea is not included in the MSCI EAFE index)
  • When comparing to the FTSE index (which includes South Korea), JPIN underperformed by 3.39% YTD
    o FTSE returned 17.31%
    o South Korea and Japan attributed to almost 83% of this underperformance, where both countries detracted by about the same amount
    Optimistic Outlook
  • We continue to hold this fund and believe in our thesis due to the fund’s multi-factor approach, which we see bringing relatively positive returns over the long-run
  • The largest detractor was the overweighting in South Korea, which has underperformed year to date; historically, South Korea has been a strong performer
  • JPIN’s strategy has stayed consistent through tough times producing strong risk-adjusted returns
  • Besides Japan’s poor stock selection this year, overall stock selection has been a positive for JPIN historically, and we believe will continue to do so

[Category Mutual Fund Commentary]

HLMEX – Q3 2019 Commentary

HLMEX – Q3 2019 Commentary


The Harding Loevner Emerging Markets Equity Portfolio outperformed its benchmark during the quarter and YTD. Outperformance can be mostly attributed to strong performance of high-quality stocks, as well as weighting, where HLMEX was underweight materials and overweight IT. Stock selection was also strong in IT and healthcare which helped returns.

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MWTIX – Q3 2019 Commentary

MWTIX – Q3 2019 Commentary


The MetWest Total Return Bond Fund was approximately in line (slightly under) with its benchmark during the quarter, but has slightly outperformed during the year. The slight underperformance was heavily driven by the shorter duration positions during August, as well as the Treasury futures allocation. While falling rates and exceeding financial rates compared to yields created a lag for some of MWTIX’s holdings, other allocations in corporate credit brought positive returns.

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TCPNX – Q3 2019 Commentary

TCPNX – Q3 2019 Commentary


The Touchstone Impact Bond Fund slightly outperformed its benchmark during the quarter, yet underperformed YTD. This underperformance for the year has been heavily driven by the funds allocation to mortgages, including the funds’ underweight on agency single-family MBS, which underperformed agency multi-family MBS (fund is overweight here).

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WATFX – Q3 2019 Commentary

WATFX – Q3 2019 Commentary


The Western Asset Core Bond Fund slightly outperformed its benchmark during the quarter, while outperforming at a greater scale YTD. This outperformance was heavily driven by the tactical duration positioning and yield curve positioning as rates moved lower and the yield curve began to flatten out during the quarter.

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